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Ana M. Lopez 

Ana M. Lopez believes that you deserve the utmost care and service from the attorney that you choose.

Attorney Ana M. Lopez is committed to providing you with kind and compassionate legal service. She will always aggressively stand up for your rights and those of your family throughout every step of your case. Your best interests are always her fundamental concern.


From a young age, my family instilled in me the importance of an education and having a strong work ethic.  We arrived in Miami, Florida on the Mariel Boatlift exodus from Havana, Cuba when I was two years old.  Thereafter, my mother worked three jobs to support our family, and she went to school at night in order to earn her Bachelor’s degree at Florida Memorial College.

In the year 2000, I received a Bachelor’s degree in Communication from Florida State University, where I was a scholarship recipient, was on the Dean’s list and was a member of the Golden Key National Honor Society. Thereafter, I obtained a scholarship to attend Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center. While in law school, I was appointed as the Legal Community Relations Editor for the Moot Court Honor Society, and I was on the International Citator Law Journal.

In 2003, I commenced my legal career as an in-house defense attorney for a large insurance company where I focused on first party insurance defense matters, auto negligence, and premises liability lawsuits. In the year 2006, I decided it was time to work representing those who were injured as a result of the negligence of others. In 2010, I founded Lopez Law “Justice for All Legal,” a boutique personal injury law firm, in order to help personal injury clients in search for justice.  In addition to Personal Injury law, I have handled family law cases, including mediation for over a decade.  

I handle a variety of cases within the personal injury area of law, including motor vehicle accidents, trucking accidents, wrongful death, premises liability, traumatic brain injury, negligent security, and catastrophic accidents.

I am a passionate and zealous advocate for my clients. I honor my clients by treating them as I would want to be treated if I were in an accident. I understand injuries and pain, and can effectively advocate for all of my client’s needs. I have helped thousands of clients, and it would be an honor and privilege to represent you.

Currently I am on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee for the Florida Bar.   I am a member on the Minority Caucus of the American Association for Justice, and I am a member of the Florida Justice Association.  I have served on the board of the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida as the Legal Community Relations Chair. I have lived in Orlando for over 17 years and I call the City Beautiful my home, where I am actively involved in the Central Florida community.

In my free time, I like to travel with my family.  My hobbies include skiing, reading, and participating in long distance races, especially RunDisney races.





La abogada Ana M. López cree que usted merece la mayor atención y servicio del abogado que elija.

La abogada Ana M. López se compromete a brindarle un servicio legal amable y compasivo. Ella siempre defenderá agresivamente sus derechos y los de su familia en cada paso de su caso. Sus mejores intereses son siempre su preocupación fundamental.


Desde muy joven, mi familia me inculcó la importancia de una educación y una fuerte ética de trabajo. Llegamos a Miami, Florida, en el éxodo de Mariel desde La Habana, Cuba, cuando tenía dos años. A partir de entonces, mi madre trabajó en tres trabajos para mantener a nuestra familia, y fue a la escuela por la noche para obtener su licenciatura en Florida Memorial College.

En el año 2000, recibí una licenciatura en Comunicación de la Florida State University, donde recibí una beca, estaba en la lista del honores y era miembra de la Golden Key National Honor Society. A partir de entonces, obtuve una beca para asistir al Centro de Derecho Shepard Broad de la Universidad Nova Southeastern. Mientras estaba en la facultad de derecho, fui nombrada Editora de Relaciones Legales de la Comunidad para la Sociedad de Honor Moot Court, y estuve en el International Citator Law Journal.

En 2003, comencé mi carrera legal como abogada para una gran compañía de seguros donde me enfoqué en asuntos de defensa civil, negligencia automotriz y casos de accidentes. En el año 2006, decidí que era hora de trabajar representando a los heridos como resultado de la negligencia de otros. En 2010, fundé Lopez Law "Justice for All Legal", un bufete boutique especializado en lesiones personales, para ayudar a los clientes de lesiones personales en la búsqueda de justiciar.  In addition to Personal Injury law, I have handled family law cases, including mediation for over a decade.  

Manejo una variedad de casos dentro del área legal de lesiones personales, incluyendo accidentes automovilísticos, accidentes de camiones, muerte injusta, responsabilidad de locales, lesiones cerebrales traumáticas, seguridad negligente y accidentes catastróficos.

Soy un defensor apasionado de mis clientes. Honro a mis clients, tratándolos como me gustaría que me trataran si tuviera un accidente. Entiendo las lesiones y el dolor, y puedo defender eficazmente todas las necesidades de mi cliente. He ayudado a miles de clientes, y sería un honor y un privilegio representarlo.

Actualmente estoy en el Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión para el Colegio de Abogados de Florida. Soy miembro del Caucus de Minorías de la Asociación Estadounidense para la Justicia, y soy miembro de la Asociación de Justicia de Florida. He servido en la junta de la Asociación de Abogados Hispanos de Florida Central como Presidente de Relaciones Comunitarias Legales. He vivido en Orlando por más de 17 años y llamo a la Ciudad Bella “City Beautiful” mi hogar, donde participo activamente en la comunidad de Florida Central.

En mi tiempo libre, me gusta viajar con mi familia. Mis pasatiempos incluyen esquiar, leer, y participar en carreras de larga distancia, especialmente carreras RunDisney.


Nicolette Fontaine

"Superb legal counselor and attorney at law, incredible work ethic  and years of experience in her areas of practice! I highly recommend Ana Lopez in my opinion, she is top-notch litigator and Lawyer in Central Florida."

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Justice For All Legal

Ms. Ana M. Lopez is a member of
the Florida Bar, the United
States District Court for the
Middle District of Florida, the
Orange County Bar Association,
the Hispanic Bar Association of
Central Florida, Florida Justice
Association and the American
Association of Justice.

Find US


501 N. Magnolia Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32801

Phone:   1-844-587-HURT (4878) 

(407) 447-2039

Fax:   (407) 429-3930



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